
‘Palm Royale’ First Images

WATCHLIST ALERT: First look at the star-studded 🌟 Apple series “Palm Royale!” 🌴 AMANDA POLLACK, ACE, EDITOR. ✂️🎞️

Set during the powderkeg era of the 1970’s, “Palm Royale” follows Maxine Simmons and her attempt to secure her seat at America’s most exclusive table: Palm Beach high society. 💸🕶️

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“Coup!” Review

VENICE FILM FESTIVAL REVIEW: Critics say “Coup!” packs “a lot of flavor, suspense and droll comedy.” Link for the full review below. MICHAEL T. MEADOR, FIRST ASSISTANT DIRECTOR.

In “Coup!”, a rebellious servant leads a revolt against his wealthy employer during the Spanish Flu of 1918, 

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